Today I set up a sponsorship arrangement that I made with deta.

You can see a working demo here.

Method Draw Sponsorship

This is not yet final, it’s the first proposal for client review.

Max from Deta reached out a few weeks ago to introduce me to their micro server fork of Method Draw and I got to know the product that runs it Deta Space, which I know for certain holds a lot of potential for my own creative endeavors. It would be premature to write about the ideas or intuitions that I could foresee when Max told me about their roadmap. I was very impressed and enthusiastic about their product.

So when Max came back to me offering a 3 month experimental sponsorship for Method Draw I was glad, the answer was yes, we would just have to agree on how it should be done. Our course I consider adding sponsorship a delicate act, because both user and sponsor (and myself, admitedly) must benefit from the arrangement. Since Deta is useful to Method Draw users, this is much easier to accomplish.

Working with Deta has been a pleasure and I highly recommend that you check them out.

And before you think Deta’s sponsorship buys an entry on my work log, allow me to rant on whatever I please, in part to assure that what was written before was written in earnest.

The music I’m listening is irritating me. I have a playlist with 50 songs that I play when I’m working lightly, in deep focus I use a single song in loop. Every day I listen to the same 50 song list. I’ve done it since I was a teenager, so any explanation over why I do this is superfluous, because it’s just the way I’ve enjoyed listening to music.

A sudden flash of insight: I’m tired of this music. My taste is bad. So it’s perfectly fine to ditch it. Let’s go historical and find the first examples of music and expose myself to it. See what happens.

Oh dear… this involves more work that I expected. Every song is a rabbit hole, I will add to the playlist every now and then. Rabbit hole example:

Cantigas de Santa Maria

The Cantigas de Santa Maria [Canticles of Holy Mary] are 420 poems with musical notation, written in the medieval Galician-Portuguese language during the reign of Alfonso X of Castile El Sabio (1221-1284) and often attributed to him. It is one of the largest collections of monophonic (solo) songs from the Middle Ages and is characterized by the mention of the Virgin Mary in every song, while every tenth song is a hymn.

The playlist so far (until Baroque).

Spotify Playlist