I'll jot down some quick thoughts:

--English seems to be the natural language of work. It's brief, concise, sharp.
--¿Y si me es más fácil explicarme sentimentalmente en español?
--So let practical matters be treated in English, y las cosas metafísicas: las del espíritu y el corazón, en español.
--Una lengua romance para lo romántico.
--An arguably Germanic language for practical matters.

inner.observer es donde he estado siguiendo mi (ahora más esporádica) hábito de escritura. Continuaré nociones románticas por allá.

This place will take on a more professional spin, because writing about work helps me connect with it, but the habitual reader will know that this is an imaginary division, all meaningful work is personal and the process of work reveals interesting things about ourselves. I am most happy when I am most working and loving. These two are somehow connected. I am in a constant process of discovery.

Until then,