A person with a healthy mind will second guess their own certainty. Having too much certainty is being a fanatic. Questioning your beliefs causes a natural oscillation in them. The leftist becomes a conservative, the believer an unbeliever, the feminist a men's right supporter, the revolutionary an orthodox, the hedonist an ascetic, the minimalist a baroque; and if we have enough time in this world, we will retrace our steps, and then back again.

The interesting thing about the oscillation is that we don't really end in the same place when we come back. My current leftist leanings laugh at the socialist sympathies I had in my early twenties, my future right leanings will laugh at the libertarian sympathies of my late twenties. The view on each end of the extreme is not better informed by learning more about the extreme, but by informing yourself about the opposite. The shape of this movement--if it left a trail--would not be the U shape of an oscillation but a spiral that ascends. You never end in the same place when you retrace your intellectual steps.

The movement of second guessing your beliefs, played inside of everybody who is not a fanatic, is a process of maturation. This is why fanatics seem naive to the sane person. We would say that the fanatic goes against nature because everything in nature is a cycle, but this is not true because the fanatic is part of a larger cycle in which fanatics from the other end of the spectrum will undo or "fix" the work that the fanatic did in the first place. The post-modernists undid the work of the modernists just as the meta-modernists are undoing the work of the post-modernists.

If you don't walk your own way back from the end of the spectrum, someone else will walk it for you. Apple started with beige opaque boxes as computers. Then it made semi-transparent computers in exotic shapes and colors. Now it's come back to produce metallic opaque boxes. Apple's Vision Pro and it's AirPods Max are hinting at the movement of return. Nadela's Microsoft made an apparently effortless resurgence by working against the its original personal computing vision.

The same movements that take place in our spirits take place in these collective endeavours we call companies, and the collective of collectives we call society. We encounter the microcosm-macrocosm analogy, and thus ancient wisdom reveals itself.

Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe -- Socrates

If we regard an end of a spectrum as "bad" or as an enemy, as something that ought to be eradicated off the face of this earth, then we have understood nothing. It is the very existence of the "other" end which improves "your" end by prodding and shaking it. We must understand our interconectedness and seek not to destroy but to understand those who we think as enemies.