TL;DR by Chat GPT: [This is not an accurate summary, but was useful in producing my own version] The author has been waking up in the middle of the night and wasting time on Instagram or reading Hacker News. They decided to use their time productively by implementing a new feature for Chat-GPT and Blank Page. However, they are frustrated by the logging out feature on Chat-GPT’s web interface and have found a solution by using the API in Blank Page. They even asked Chat-GPT to provide a summary of their current work log.

TL;DR by Mark I have been waking up in the middle of the night and wasting time on Instagram or reading Hacker News. Tonight, instead of wasting time I decided to write this work log. Yesterday I implemented a new feature integrating Chat-GPT and Blank Page. I was frustrated by being logged out from Chat-GPT’s web interface and have found a solution by using the API in Blank Page. Then I asked Chat-GPT to provide a summary of this work log.

Lately I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night. Having some difficulty putting myself back to sleep, I usually make a trip to the bathroom, have a middle-of-the-night snack, and then come back into bed to binge on Instagram or read Hacker News. This routine robs me of two hours of sleep which are pretty much wasted.

Right now it’s 3:16 AM and, tired of wasting my time, I decided to write my work log. Today I was quite productive, but the work I did is not public facing. I implemented a way in which it’s easy to interact with Chat-GPT and Blank Page. It’s not public facing because 1. It’s very early stage and 2. It would incur in substantial costs. #2 can become moot if you provide your own API key.

Something I dislike about the web interface for Chat GPT is that it logs me out after a while. I’m not sure if this is due to the fact that I use Safari, but if I try to reuse a Chat GPT tab the next day, it raises an error, and when I reload the page it asks me to log in again. I use Chat GPT perhaps once per day and this makes the process of asking a simple question take around 30 seconds, and it irks me to no end.

Since the Chat GPT’s API has none of this none-sense, I can now query it and receive the response in Blank Page. In fact, I will ask Chat GPT to provide a summary of this entry at this very time.