I’m writing this from the mobile version of blank.page. Today I purchased a $15 dollar external keyboard in English to get a feel of it, and it’s quite nice but I already see some things which I would change.

I would like to hide the UI, of course, but then what? I would need to reactivate it by touch. But now every button has a keyboard shortcut, so touching the screen is not necessary to perform any operation, nice!

Whoa! I think I discovered a bug: if I try to delete a trailing space, the cursor will not update, but I can’t tell if this is due to a bug in Safari, I guess I should start writing worklogs in Safari Desktop in order to uncover more quirks.

I’ve never actually shared the clipboard between MacOS and my iPhone, now is a good time to check it out… Hmmm… strange, does iOS support command-a? Oh, I understand, the selection color is transparent? No, oh dear, this is not a trip in the park.

But I like writing like this. My phone is put on a stand and I’m writing with the keyboard on my lap. There is a slight overlap in the last line… not any more, but the…

I’m perhaps boring the reader with these observations, the purpose is to take note of how things are experienced the first time you use them. Not exactly my first time using blank.page on mobile, but most definitely the first time I’ve used it to write my work log.

I know I’ll eventually take a set up like this to the road.