I’ve grown tired of writing about myself. I’ll try a streak on writing articles arising from the experience lived in the day. Since these articles are written in stream of thought they will surely have a rambling quality. Reader beware.

Do things. Tell people.. Some people enjoy tinkering in solitude, eyes behind their shoulder makes them nervous and takes out the pleasure of creation. Let’s call these makers. The other side likes the sensation of having created rather than creation itself, and you will find them selling things that don’t exist yet, in hopes that the interest will bring them enough momentum to actually work on it. Let’s call these sellers.

It’s easy to fall in love with makers and hate sellers, but as usual reality is a bit murky: the seller is also responsible for most of the products that we have today. The seller is the person who builds the landing page before the product in order to gauge interest before building. It’s the person that seeks investment before building because he or she doesn’t know the joy of brick-laying.

To the superficial observer it may seem obvious that the maker needs the company of a seller, so that they may live in a symbiotic relationship. Unfortunately this causes the same arrangement of the mind and the body in an individual: the mind thinks he’s the master of the arrangement: I sell, therefore I exist, he says to himself and so the body must do what I say.

It is said that taking into account the life of an author in order to judge his work is an ad hominem fallacy. However, in the case of philosophers, who pretend to teach us how to live, their life (and death) is testament to their work. And so, Descartes died a premature death from putting his entire existence in his mind and ignoring his body.

The body-maker has a will of its own. It’s noble enough to put up with the machinations of the mind-seller for some time, but acting against its own wisdom it is driven to sickness, and if the partnership proves parasitic, the body will eventually wither and lose its creative capacity.

In these manifestations of the inner world that also manifest in the outer world, reasoning from both sides of reality help us clear the picture: the mind-seller needs to listen to the body-maker. Claudio Naranjo says that the body has an inherent wisdom and that rebels against the machinations of the ego, only when the ego is transcended and the decisions come from a deeper place does the body comply with the mind.

When the seller’s motivations are fame and glory, the maker’s nature rebels against it, for fame and glory are only distractions to his purpose of existence. It is perhaps too much to ask to the seller to completely forgo these desires, but let them be superseded by a higher purpose, so that the conflict is at least reduced.

The author seems to have reached the end of the terrain explored so far, and so more terrain shall be covered so that it can be described later.