I went to a school for a dancing class, it turned out to be a twerking/reggaeton class. The teacher asked us to kneel on a couch facing the backrest, and then perform pelvic thrusts. She looked at what I was doing and said "I'm not sure you're doing this right, let me check", and she got under me, placing her glutes just out of the reach of my pelvis. She was dressed in tight white shorts and a white crop top, she had a nice body but was not all that attractive.

I begun gyrating my pelvis, my erect penis grinding against her glutes, and I said "I'm not sure I'm doing this right", meaning, I didn't know if I was supposed to be poking her with my erection, to which she said "that's exactly right", and she got out from underneath me and said "yes, that's good". I was pleased with myself and thought I would come to this class very often.

We had a break and left the class. After the allotted time I tried coming back to the class but I couldn't find it. I was getting quite desperate because I really wanted to continue my lessons when I found my cousin Hector and asked him if he knew where the class was. He asked if I had seen something close to it, I said there was a cafeteria and a flight of stairs, and he knew where it was. We walked there, which was quite a long way, and when we got to the cafeteria a woman said hello to us. We sat down to chat with her and I forgot about the class. The lady told us a story of bereavement and begun sobbing. Hector didn't know what to do but I embraced her, and I felt a lot of love flowing through me towards her, in a non-sexual way, and it felt very nice, but our process was interrupted by me thinking it had probably gone on for too long, and that it could be misconstrued. I let her go and she said something like "I wish it had gone on longer", and I hugged her again but there was awkwardness and she said "that's ok".