I was in my apartment in Milán (Mexico City) with a petite and attractive morena. We were making out in bed. I was enjoying just the cuddles and kissing, slightly concerned that I would not perform well. Things got a little more intense, the door bell rang. I sat on the bed to put on my shoes. The girl kept on kissing me from behind, I was slightly annoyed at her intensity. I freed myself from her and opened the door.

Titino stepped inside and announced that he was staying there tonight. I was angry that he wouldn't even ask, and pushed him outside. He said "Ok fine" and went upstairs to visit a friend who might host him. The girl came out of the room and asked what was going on.

I regretted being so rude, so I called out "Titino!", but he pretended he hadn't heard. I called out again, to no response. I stepped outside the apartment and followed him downstairs, as his friend was not home. My intention was to explain that there was not a bed at home, but that he could stay if we could figure out a solution. I followed him outside on the streets, but I lost track of him.