I dreamed of a figure who was my friend, at times he had Hector's face, at others it was my brother, at others it was myself. He was very aggressive towards me, and at all times I tried to play it cool, but this entity was trying to pick up a fight. We were watching TV and he was playfully kicking, punching and being an asshole. At some point dad called me to an open courtyard, but this guy lost his temper and started beating the shit out of me. Not only I did not respond, but I didn't protect myself and I faced him openly so he could hit me more easily. I moved towards him until our heads knocked. I wanted to headbutt him but I contained myself. The I saw he had the face of Sylvester Stallone. He was distressed and out of control. At first, before our fight, I felt annoyed and concerned, at the moment of the fight I felt angry but in control. When we were face to face I felt compassion.