Moises, David S. and myself were looking for a place to stay in Puebla, but we could find none. We decided to stay in the house of friends. When we arrived, a guy from Wales was doing a demonstration and he hit it off with David.

We had lunch, and I was left alone in the room with an attractive short-haired girl. The girl was sick, and I started picking up and generally being helpful. I went to the bathroom and the woman looked at me with curiosity while I was taking a dump and taking the time to clean my ass.

"You are really meticulous... I will fuck you" she said. I mumbled some excuse because I felt I shouldn't do it I (though I wanted) and she hushed me and said she would fuck me for sure tonight. I had already masturbated twice, and was concerned about my performance, so I planned to go to the pharmacy to get viagra yet felt no shame in it because "I had no other option".