I was walking with David, my friend, somewhere in Spain. He was not very willing to walk, because I didn't know where I was going. I opened google maps and saw that just a hundred meters ahead were some sort of lakes. I told him "walk further, you'll see".

We walked further and came upon a tall fence. On the other side was a neatly trimmed park, with water holes containing crystal clear water. I was enthusiastic about checking it out, but David was lukewarm. He said he'd stay if he found something to eat.

We came into the park and found a building with a restaurant. We saw the menu and David was perusing the menu. Two dominican women came and took our order. We got pierna adobada and some other things, the food seemed to be from all over Latin America. We went to our rooms, for we were going to stay there overnight, and we begun jumping on the beds.