I was in Spain and I saw María. I treated her as a friend. She said "look at me and say it doesn't hurt anymore". I looked at her and said "it doesn't hurt anymore, it never did", and she replied "really?", I kept quiet and felt inside. I felt a low intensity hurt. I was angry, so I left for Malasaña. I went into a bar that was crowded and I couldn't remember what I used to drink, so I got a cubata of Negrita. I was drinking and thought "this is stupid", I felt ridiculous drinking alone, so I went outside. I found a phone booth, put in a Euro and called Sergey, who was in Madrid for some reason. He said that he was resting, that I should have joined in the day before, he had met a girl of such and such characteristics and her name was Ángeles Martínez. I inquired further, and found out she was Moni's cousin indeed. I found it loathsome that he boasted about hooking up with her, and when I said goodbye I couldn't remember his name, so I said "Goodbye Anatoly". When I hung up many coins came out the phone, some of them euros and others pesos. I picked up most of them, some of them near the gutter which would have surely been urinated. I felt ashamed about being so desperate about money.