I had a dream in which I was in a vacation resort. It had a water park and various things happened, I do not know the order, but I will write everything I remember:

I came to the bathroom and David my brother was taking a shower. He was alone and he had turned on all the showers, wasting a tremendous amount of water. I went about closing one by one, and when I finally found him I asked him why he had done it. He responded that it was free. I was very angry and lashed out verbally against him, telling him he was completely retarded and out of his mind, that the world was in the state that it is, because of people like him. He then left bummed.

I walked along a barranco, and in the distance I made out some caves. I looked closely, and at times they looked far away, and at others they seemed closer. I decided to inspect more closely, but when I tried to go down the canyon it became too steep. I considered my possibilities: it was dangerous, laborious and late, I decided not to do it.

I walked along a rock shelter. There was water dripping from the ceiling, and they formed a small stream of sparkling clean water for about 100 meters. I looked closely and I saw raccoon footprints on the bottom of the stream.

Margaret was giving the tit to a new female child of hers, she was sucking desperately and biting. Bosco was crying in a room where we couldn't see him. He had been displaced.

We were leaving the resort and I got into a car of people whom I didn't know, because the girl I liked was there. They said they would make a stop in San Pancho, and I became nervous because I didn't know if this was the right car. The girl I liked was sleeping. I asked the guys if their direction was north, south, east or west, they were amused at the question, and asked me where I was going. I said "Puebla, but you can drop me off wherever you like, I just want to make sure I'm not going further away". They asked me about my life and it turned out they lived very similar lives, as they were friends of Sergio Segura. The vacation had taken place because of his wedding and these were his friends from Spain. My girl opened her eyes and she had beautiful green eyes. I was a bit anxious that she wouldn't want me in the car, but she smiled and hugged me. I couldn't believe I was liked by someone so attractive and normal.