I was in an airplane and the pilot wanted to give us a closer view of the city, so he made a descent and then started climbing up. The airplane stalled, I looked out the window and thought: "There is no way I'm getting out of this alive". I braced myself for impact, and the next thing I'm in a nondescript place, and my father and my brother David are doing prostrations, praying like muslims. "They don't know islamic prayers" I thought. I had to be dead: is this heaven? I thought, sure doesn't look like it, there is garbage all around. I went through my feelings: do I feel angry? No. Resentful? No. Is there anything I should have told anybody? No. I'll have a walk and see what's around.

I begun walking through a forest next to a river. There was garbage along the river banks. I begun collecting some of the garbage, but then desisted because I saw it was too much, and it wouldn't make any difference. As I walked, I begun encountering larger and larger trees, most of them chestnut trees. Then I came upon a massive redwood tree and I thought: how strange, I never this kind of tree in my lifetime. The tree was perhaps 6-7 meters in diameter, and I looked up but it shot straight through the sky and I couldn't see the top. There was a hedera helix of equally massive proportions spiraling around its trunk, leaves as large as an alocasia. Wow, this is heaven I thought. Then I woke up.