A young lady was analyzing my home while Uriel, David E and Monse played in my room some video game. She was pretty tall, not really my type (kinda chubby) but upon closer inspection she was beautiful. Blue eyes, sharp face. She had some tattoos on her lower back, not entirely distasteful. Dark hair, light skin. She was there to make an assessment if Alex and Uriel were suitable for adopting a child. I had no idea what she was doing at my house, but I was accommodating anyways.

She entered my office, and it was a bit dirty. I apologized and she started helping me clean. She didn't believe me when I told her that my cousin was now living in my office. We found a bunch of filth underneath a chair, it was full of dust and hair. While cleaning I somehow got stuck under the chair. She helped me and somehow I cracked some good intellectual jokes. Somewhere along the lines of "Dostoievsky would have said: this is life, suffering". And when I got out from under the chair, "Tolstoy would have said 'I didn't have enough faith'". She was cracking up.

When we were done she was leaving to take the bus. We embraced and kissed on the lips. It felt non-amorous. I asked her where she was going. She was going on vacations with Paquito and María. I was mad. Everybody thought I was jealous of Moni, but it was of María. I didn't say anything, I preferred them to think that.