I was in a social reunion and I was courting a woman that I liked. Then, a woman whom I didn't find attractive was very assertive in expressing her desire to take me to bed, so I followed her. We had sex and I was very satisfied with my performance, and I was slightly disappointed that she found it unremarkable.

She laid nude with her legs spread open. Pools of semen had formed all over her body when I came over her. She asked me to clean her up. I looked at her body, at times there were rolls of fat, at others she was fertile and healthy. I cleaned her vulva area, she brusquely told me to be careful, she didn't want to get pregnant. I was relieved to see no mistake in my pulling out, her vagina was clear of semen. However, there was a pool of semen in her anus, and I told her to clean herself as if she had taken a dump. She did it and non chalantly and dressed up. She seemed to not feel the tiniest bit of specialness of the moment.

Two women walked passed us, and one of me looked surprised: "I thought you were after the other girl!", I realised I could have been assertive with her and then I would have the substance I was looking for.