I was in Puebla and Sergio Milán asked me to take him to the bus station (CAPU). I said yes, and I was with my cousin Edgar. Sergio walked surprisingly fast, and when we got to the VIPS at Blvd. Valsequillo, we went through it. We went through a room were there were some young people drinking. Edgar stopped to chat with them because he saw their fancy watches. Edgar flirted with one of the girls.

Sergio gave me $150 dollars for helping him out. The youngsters asked me why different countries have different coins, and I explained a bit about economy. I told Edgar we were leaving, and we left him behind, but when we exited he called us to say that he was coming, but when he appeared he was Hector, with his company behind him. They told us we couldn't leave before passing a test from their native Juchitán, Puebla [sic]. The most aggressive of them wrote a song on a piece of paper. It was well written and beautiful, it was poetry about the moment. I asked him for post-its, but he said that he didn't have, that I should use paper. I looked in my stuff, but I couldn't find any, only the packages of nicotine patches. I kept on looking and I found a small bag of cocaine with Hectors address written on it, in beautiful calligraphy. I started to get nervous because I couldn't write. Sergio fell asleep and they told him to sit down.

Love her fully, And when it's wise, Chill the bench.