I was interned with my brother in a penitentiary colony. My brother was amazed at the quality of of the place, there were stores for everything, even a Mexican restaurant.

The lady who attended the Mexican restaurant was very kind to my brother, and gave us something to eat. My brother was brash, naive and stupid to a fault. At the restaurant he was looking for a bin to throw away some trash, and he mistakenly put it in a pot of food. I said nothing to my brother or to the lady, and pretended nothing had happened.

The lady of the mexican restaurant told to us it was time to ask someone for LSD, so we walked outdoors looking for it, until we came upon a young woman whom my brother approached and asked for LSD. The woman produced something that looked like a concert ticket, which we divided into halves.

My shadow separated from me, made friends and went off with them. I understood this to be necessary. I had a nap and time passed, and suddenly the police came and rounded us up at one end of the courtyard. We had been transformed into rabbits.

The policemen started chasing us and rabbits went in all directions. Everybody seemed to be running faster than I was, except my brother and a newfound girlfriend of his, we were laggards. A police woman closed in on me and I was about to be beaten by her, but I turned around and grabbed her baton, taking it away from her.

I considered beating her up with her own weapon, but it felt wrong, I just kept on running and discarded the baton when I felt safe. We eventually reached some sort of rabbit silo. A black policeman of cheerful kind disposition was directing the rabbits into the silos. He grabbed my brother's girlfriend and gently pushed her into the female rabbit silo, but she wouldn't fit in, then he tried grabbing both my brother and his girlfriend to put them both into the male silo, but they wouldn't fit in either, all this while cheerfully singing something along the lines of "When I was young...", he sang in beautifully negro tones.

Eventually he told the three of us: "look guys, I need you to go through this door on your own, you will find a compartment, make your way in. When you are inside I will close the latch and you will make it to the other side safely. We did as he instructed, and he closed the latch. Everything went dark.

That's when I woke up.