I was searching for a new place to live, I was with David E. and we came across a creative neighborhood near El Mirador in Puebla. David was being negative about it, and I almost conceded, but I said "fuck it", it looked like people were having fun, so I joined in and everyone was very friendly. However, they were loitering and smoking pot and just being lazy, they passed a joint and I smoked to no effect. David also smoked. I realized this lifestyle was not for me, and we left. I walked around the neighborhood and found an apartment available for rent. I twas a two-story apartment, old but in good shape and with good taste. However, it would only be available until next month. I lived for one month in Rabetzi's. It was quite uncomfortable, but I made it through. The next month I went back to the apartment. It was huge, it had all sort of useless amenities, an expansive inner garden with calves to glide from side to side. I was concerned about the price of maintaining all that, and that the price I was given perhaps was not accurate. When it was time to sit down and discuss the price, the two ladies inquired into how much I wanted to pay. "The agent said 8,000 MXN" I replied. They looked at each other uncomfortably, and I felt uneasy because clearly the property was worth at least ten times more. I felt guilty about losing their time.