I had a series of short lucid dreams, slipping in and out of them sometimes hey picked up where I left off, and others the content changed.

I went into a bar and I approached a man, I asked him "excuse me? Who are you?" and he seemed dubitative about how to respond. I went to the next table where there was another older man and I asked the same, he went into a tirade and I listened patiently. I thought: I'm too polite even in my dreams. I slipped out of the dream and then came back. Two men about of my age with gang tattoos approached me and wanted to befriend me. We went to the counter to get a beer, and a group of nice looking people where nearby. A girl was eyeing me. I wanted to approach the group, but I was with two gangsters and they would reject me because of it, and I didn't want to stiff these guys. "Oh, there it is again: I'm being too nice. I'm dreaming and I can do whatever I want", so I approached the group and the girl smiled at me. They offered me some of their liqour, which was like Midori. The gangster guys served themselves a little bit too. They were like Oscar and Eibar and they fragmented my attention because I couldn't help but be attentive to them.

I was walking on a mountain, going somewhere, and I thought: "I am dreaming, I can fly!" I tried flying but I couldn't. "I know how to do this" I thought, "I just need to focus". I closed my eyes and tried to fly, but instead of going up I went down and begun floating in space, with a clear sensation of gyrating.

I was in Haiti and I found a little black female child crying. I hugged her, then I thought people would think I was a child molester, but then I remembered this was a dream and I hugged harder. We soon became attached to each other, and she accompanied me in different parts of the dreams. I didn't think about her company, we loved each other in a family kind of way and even slept together. We gave each other a lot of non-sexual physical contact.