I dreamed I went to a party in Toronto to the mansion of Joe Rogan [I don't listen to Joe Rogan at all. I don't like him or dislike him]. All the guests were cool and I felt welcome, as if my tribe was there. There was a three nailed sloth at the party which Joe put into my arms, I thought it was bad taste as these animals are victims of animal trafficking in Colombia [I had read an article about it the day before], but I said nothing for fear of not fitting in. The animal clutched to me, at times too hard as to cause me pain, at at others too loose as to fear I would drop it. I tried to put it on the railings of a staircase, but it would refuse to grab. Finally someone came over and took it upstairs.

I saw a plate with a large joint in a corner, and I went over it. Joe said "Whoa, hold on man, we're just getting started" and I felt somewhat ashamed for rushing in. I explained that it eased my social anxiety, "we're all cool here man". After mingling a bit I received a phone call from Joe who asked me "Hey man have you ever done cocaine" and I said "no", but then I corrected myself and said yes, but that at the time it felt like a strong coffee. He seemed a little disappointed, as if he wanted some but I didn't have any on me.