Iván from Cabify arrived because some work needed to be finished and I was AWOL. He was pissed off but contained. I explained to him what needed to be done: break some sticks from Muji and arrange them in a certain order. Oops, I had burned one of the sticks, but here's more. Oops, I just spilled them on the floor. We picked them up and he hurried away before I destroyed anything else.

Next scene I was in a hotel, and the attractive hippy from Almería was smoking a joint in the bed next to me. I was going to ask her for a smoke, but then I reconsidered and I decided not to. Héctor appeared next to me, and I hugged him and told him that in my heart, I felt a deep love for him. He begun sexually rubbing against me and I threw him away and got angry at him. He laughed and told me to stop being so cheesy.