I arrived in a taxi to the OXXO in the corner of 11Pte and Blvd Juan Pablo II. I was with some friends and I didn't have enough money to pay for the entire trip, so I gave the driver what I had. He hesitated... "Excuse me, the total cost is X" and I said "oh, sorry, I was just pitching in for the total cost, so I took the money from his hand and put it on the hand of the girl I went out that night. She came out of the car and we kissed passionately, then they left. I thought I was perhaps being too passionate, I wasn't supposed to be so ardent given that it had been our first date, but I shrugged it off and went to the gym. At the gym I was doing wide grip bars when a kid came behind me and started doing pull ups with me still on the bar. I jumped down and he puffed out his chest, bumping into me saying that he had reserved the bar for that time. I seized things up: he wanted a fight and I could surely beat him, but it was unnecessary. "Yeah, but there's no need to be an asshole about it, you could have just told me, I was not aware" and he got ballistic. He grabbed a z bar and bumped it to my forehead, not really trying to hurt me but humiliate me. I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the reception, where I found a police and explained the situation. I calmly explained my case, and the kid was escorted out.