I was in my room in my house in Puebla. I wanted to changed clothes, but Gaby, Moises' mom was in the room. I asked her to leave. She went out and I begun undressing when she barged in, speaking non-sense.

I gently encourged her to go out again with my hand on her back, I begun undressing again when she barged in. This time I chided her and was more forceful guiding her out, while I locked the door.

The third time she forced the door open and resisted my attempts to force her out. I had to shove her out of the door with great force, to which she fell and started playing guilty. I felt some degree of remorse, not too much as I knew exactly what she was doing, and then I closed the door again to change.

Then I noticed I was not in my home. What I thought to be my room, was a concrete platform with my furniture, with no walls. The door frame was standing on its own. I never had any privacy to begin with.