I bought a horse's head to eat. I kept it in the fridge, the house was not mine, and the fridge was on the street. I started by eating the brains out, as it was the tastiest part of the head and I had easy access, and then I carved out the meat from half of the face. Then I went out and started doing my day chores. Suddenly, at a street corner, I saw the half-horse head with a human body, it was stumbling.

I felt incredibly guilty, and I pretended to not know what was happening. Nobody on the street was doing anything about it either. I wondered how he had survived without a brain. I didn't want to see such sad spectacle, so I took refuge inside a 7-11. The horse followed me inside and gradually took a more human form. Part of his face was still missing. He was confused and seemingly unaware of his own state. He was trying to get some beers out of the fridge, but too impaired to do it. I thoguht that if I grabbed some beers for him, I could lure him out of the store and kill him in a secluded spot to put it out of his misery.

When I grabbed the beers I was surprised that he spoke to me! He then tried speaking to several people in the store in English, but people wouldn't understand him. I told him we were in Mexico. He had no idea why he was here, the last thing he remembered he was in Texas. I decided against killing him, and thought I should help him out instead.