In a second part of the dream I was sick in a hospital in the US. Deepak Chopra was the doctor. My father was also sick in the bed next to me, though he was distant (I knew he was there, but I never saw him). Deepak was speaking good enough Spanish and I guessed he wanted to show off/practice it. I played along. They gave me creatine, I said I already had my own, but they told me it was of much inferior quality. I was left alone, they bell rung and I happened to have the key, which was exactly like the key to my house, and I wondered if it was my responsibility to open the door.

So I went to the door and there were plenty of people waiting, but finally the staff showed up. Deepak was in a foul mood because he had busted a knee. After the staff opened the door, people rushed in and I started chatting with a nurse. She told me this was a "second generation hospital" and that much was automated out of stuffed big robots. I realized that the nurse was a holograph, and I put my hands through her face as if she was a ghost.

After some time wandering around the hospital I heard a great commotion upstairs, so I went up and found "my father" (who was really a random guy) beating another patient to a pulp. His face was completely disfigured, I felt horrified, but not as much as I should. The staff was strangely trying to soothe dad verbally instead of restraining him. Dad was obviously out of his mind, not in a sane world. I continued exploring the hospital and I encountered mauled animals and things in a state of disarray, as in a zombie movie. Suddenly everything went into chaos and everybody was fighting, but I was no longer "there" I was more of a spectator of a gruesome flick, with characters made of play-dough. The last scene I remember of this dream were to play-dough characters having sex. I was envious of the guy's penis size and quality of erection. They were having sex on the floor, even while injured. But, before this scene, all injured animals and people spontaneously started healing, and I knew they had been created through biotechnology. It felt like a cheap terror movie about the perils of biotechnology: my father had gone on a rampage because these were not real living things.