I went to meditate without the expectation of falling asleep. I dreamed I was with Hector, and we were trying to reach a certain destination, without success. It was a nightclub or an entertainment center.

Still within the dream, I woke up and Hector was doing the finishing touches on a video. He showed it to me: "how much Mark sucks at being with women". It was me in my shy, eccentric persona, trying to hook up with a reasonably attractive girl. It went OK (not half embarrassing as it could be). The movie closed with me attempting to dance, and the girl being patient with me. I thought "I didn't go all that bad".

Then I left the room and found the hallway, it was obstructed by debris. I knocked it over and it fell over me. My aunt and my mom were in the kitchen and I didn't want them to hear that I had knocked the debris, so I held it on top of me as so it wouldn't fall to the floor, but the debris kept falling over, eventually covering me and I didn't even consider calling for help.

After this I lost consciousness and everything turned black. Out of nowhere came a multitude of classical ballet dancers, mostly black dancers.