I was going somewhere, and I had to make a pit stop. It was an internet café, and the bathroom was the most horrible bathroom ever. I was looking for toilet paper and it was completely soiled, the guy in front of me had cleaner toilet paper and he was gentle enough to pass some. But he started hitting on me and I told him "sorry man, not gay, besides, who hits on a guy who is cleaning up his ass" and I showed him my soiled paper. I got up and went to wash my hands. Another gay guy was eyeing me. I was getting nervous.

Suddenly, a tall girl who was around grabbed me and said we'd have to pretend to make out if I wanted to get out safely. It seemed ridiculous, I wanted to just dart out, but her hip gyrations turned me on. I was looking for her lips when suddenly she started to dance. I hate dancing so I groaned, but again, I remembered "this is my former self, let's try it out" so we danced quite nicely throughout the dance floor. It was sexy and fun.

I realized I was in some sort of gay army boat. She told me my only hope was to pass for a woman. I was relieved because I have sharp factions. I dressed as a woman and some guy begun taking attendance. When he said my name he looked at me and said "you're fooling nobody like that, I don't mind but when the commander sees you...". I touched my face, I had forgotten to shave my beard.