I went shopping with Margaret, David and mom. We were at a bodega type supermarket. Mom and I split off from Margaret and David. Mom was being eccentric as usual, and I was supervising her. We finally caught up with David and Margaret. In the shopping cart there were many napkins and paper towels. I thought this was stupid, but at least they had bought the correct size for the napkin holder I built for the wall. I proceeded to buy more stuff to eat at the food department.

On a stand there were many watermelons perched on the top shelves. I did not have much idea of what to buy, I remember thinking that I should know what I want to cook in order to know what to buy.

When we left the store we were actually a the entrance of my university--no, that is not correct, the taxi dropped us off at the entrance of UDLA, we all forgot that the groceries were in the trunk. As soon as I remembered "we left the groceries in the taxi!" a cop car showed up. They told us they heard over the radio that the taxi driver intended to sell the groceries somewhere.

While we were in the police truck the policeman insinuated they were expecting to receive a remuneration for their services. I was disgusted but David enthusiastically engaged them. I was glad I did not need to get my hands dirty. After going through some favela like neighborhood we arrived to this:

The policemen approached the trash and thought some of our groceries were there. He was about to drink a dark concoction but I discouraged him.

In the end we got back our groceries. The policemen extorted $400 from the taxi driver, which were given to David. I assumed he would split it with the policemen.

In the end of the dream, Margaret stared to the inside of the taxi, with her keys in hand. She did this for a long time, while I observed. I thought she might be looking for something she could have forgotten, but no, she turned towards me and said "I think it might have been my fault"--I sneered at her and told her not to be ridiculous. But she said: "no really, I asked the taxi driver to do it" but I cut her off. It was senseless now, it had been done. I felt no justice was done this day.