I was underground, in a subway which seemed eerily familiar from other dreams. I made wrong stops and got confused in a standard dream fare, and I ended up in a studio that Hajime was renting. I was ambiguous about her, she seemed to want to hook up with me, but she was not very much into it. I felt the same about her.

We begun making out. She gave me a condom which was way too large for my dick, which was seemingly around 7cm erect. I was struggling to find a way to make it fit, and I saw her face of disappointment and lost my erection. I demurred. I had ambiguous feelings about hooking up with her.

Then she told me she would be receiving a visitor from couchsurfing. I saw his profile. He was a handsome man. Between the lines I understood that she wanted me to leave, that she was to hook up with him. I was slightly dejected but I also understood that she was sleazy and I was missing out on nothing, but deep down I wanted her to desire me.