I woke up in my unknown house in an unknown town at 10am to go to work. I wondered if I should shower, a clear voice in my head said "Do a Johnny Kramer", which meant not showering, in honor of a guy who had not showered in order to arrive in time with his parole officer.

I left the house as quickly as I could, and along the way (in front of a car mechanic stop) a fat guy asked if I was Mark. I said yes and we agreed that the best delivery spot would be close to my home. We walked around the corner and he gave me a bag of the nicest looking marijuana and some leaves of an unknown tea. Helen came and she grabbed some tea leaves which she used as a sieve to remove remains of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

I thought about an upcoming trip and I wondered what drug should I get. I asked Helen what she was doing, and she said she was having tea in the right way, obviously.