I was in a strange country, it was Three Kings Day and everybody was disguised. I couldn't find what to wear and I put pieces of cardboard on my eyes and my mouth. The pieces were sculpted in the shape of older people, like a mask in pieces. To be able to hold it I had to make gestures that made my face wrinkle. When I looked in the mirror I looked like Socrates, and I liked it. I was in an enormous building, with lots of people. Everybody wanted to go to the city to buy gifts, but as we couldn't find transportation we had to stay. I had tequila and fish for lunch. It was disgusting to me, but everybody seems to think it was normal. I said hello to Sr. Mireles and his partner (the one who never speaks), se came to me and congratulated me for my disguise. He told me "you even look like a lawyer".