I was at the house of a girl I liked. Her Spanish father had me prepare lunch for hundreds of people, and he showed me how to do it: in an empty water tank, pour a gallon of olive oil until there is a 1cm bed of it, then spread chocolate and let it dissolve at slow heat. Then spread pre-cooked rice and close the water tank. When you see dryness on the rice cake, it's time to flip it over, which should be done only once. The resulting rice cake tastes a bit like Mexican mole.

As I was doing this, the dark haired, attractive daughter in her mid twenties apologized that her father was putting me through so many trails. She said that when I was done, we could escape to the bathroom to get freaky. I had the shortest moment of self doubt, but then thought "hell yeah!". I was concerned that she might think I was only doing this so that I could get into her pants, but then I realised she wanted to get into my pants too. Still, I felt a need to explain that doing this was never about scoring.