I was with Dave, Mems and Fematt. They were playing a video game. I was bored. The dishes had piled up, so I went to wash them. I put on music and begun singing, then I was self-conscious because my friends might make fun of me, but I continued singing. Then an unknown person came in and said he was leaving, I said I would leave with him.

He dropped me in front of my house, which was René's house. He got out of the car and said goodbye, but just seemed to stand there. So I approached him and shook his hand. After this he left. When I entered René's house there was a very large glass table cloth on the table, it was unwieldy and I tried to move it but I cut my finger.

David appeared behind me, and explained that it was an extremely valuable table cloth given to him by his grandmother. I asked him how to store it, and he tried to demonstrated but fumbled. Then he said I should just leave it on the table. I said "yeah, I can use that little corner to work".