I was in sitting in a table with a man and a women I knew, I was explaining to them that conversation between men and women was more interesting than conversation among the same sex, I remember the argument: men know what being a man means, and the same with women, but we don't know what it means to be like the other, so the eyes of the other help us get a different perspective on reality. Our hierarchical habits make us subtly shift our interaction to moves that increase our status among the group, but men and women don't share the same hierarchy, so the usual game is disrupted and we're forced to put more of ourselves in the conversation.

The conversation caught the attention of two attractive ladies on the table next to us, so I turned and I asked "or what do you think?". They were caught off-guard, not really knowing what to respond, but I invited them to the table and we continued talking on the topic. I then left for my house that was right next to the restaurant to change my pants for a reason I don't know, and when I was coming back to the restaurant I saw the two ladies leaving in a car. I waved goodbye and they waved back. Perhaps they thought I had left, and I thought it was a pity I couldn't say goodbye.