I was in a small furniture store with Juan Espinosa. He was buying a lot of stuff, and seemed to be a regular. All of the sudden a lot of people came in, including Sam. Sam bought a lot of stuff, including a small box as a gift for the birthday of his dad.

The queue was amazingly long, and there was this not-very-attractive girl with a macabre face in front of me in the queue. I was carrying a box and she asked me who I intended to bury in the box. I joked and said that it was for my dog, a puppy. Her friend, a gay dude, also begun chatting enthusiastically with me.

I leaned on a piece of furniture and the girl put her leg between my legs and I got an erection, but when I looked closer I saw it was actually the dude's leg. I was slightly unsettled and quietly removed myself from the situation and kept safe physical and conversational distance.

When we approached the register these two begun chatting amongst themselves and didn't notice a woman slip in to the queue. I called their attention and they closed in the free space they had inadvertently left while distracted, but they didn't say anything to the woman who slipped in. I was annoyed that they had allowed it to happen (I notice I should have been annoyed at the woman who slipped in).

Finally, I reached the cashier and I noticed I had accidentally scribbled on Sam's letter and the box (as what happens when you keep an uncovered pen in your pocket). I worried because this was a gift Sam was going to give to his father.