I dreamed that I was a primitive homo species; half ape, half human. A shaman doctor offered me the possibility of transplanting my brain (and thus my consciousness) unto another body, but for this I would need to kill one of my fellow apes through a blow to the head.

I climbed a rocky hill and lifted a large rock, which I dropped on an unsuspecting ape below me. I killed him instantly, and went down to retrieve the body. As I came near the body I looked up, and saw another ape hurling a boulder in my direction. For a split second I understood the shaman had offered the same deal to this ape, and I would be the victim of the very same desire that I was seeking to satisfy. The blow hit me squarely in the head and I fell to the ground. I brought myself up, but soon slumped into unconsciousness.

The next scene was an amphitheater. At the stage were two large marble blocks, each with the silhouette of an ape carved in. The shaman carried each body, mine and my killer, and placed them on the marble blocks. He incanted a ceremony and performed the surgery.

When I woke up I was surprised to find myself alive. I had another's ape brain inside my skull, yet my consciousness was distinctly mine. I looked at myself and saw that I was wearing a suit. I no longer acted like an ape and was capable of civilized behavior.