I dreamed about Ben Wallace yesterday, I was walking along the streets of Conchas Chinas, and there was this huge indoors gym with a basketball court. I peeked inside and Voila there was Ben Wallace! Man, I was so excited, but I thought "Oh, he must be approached by a million fans a day, I'll have to be discreet.

So I walked in casually, with a sort of swagger, pretending not to recognize Ben, so I told him "Hey man, got game?", he sort of half smiled and said "yeah sure". So we proceeded to the skirmish and I got to say: Ben Wallace plays beyond anyone's imagination. I'd try to score and he'd block everything I threw at the basket. He totally owned me. But I expected that.

So I told Ben "Hey man, your face seems familiar, oh my God, you are Master Wallace!". And he asked "Master Wallace?" and I said "Yeah man, you kick ass, you're the master of the universe". But he just dismissed me, you know, Ben is so humble. I wanted a picture with the master, but there was no digital camera. Ben told me it was ok, that he lived just around the corner and that I could visit him anytime I wanted, so we walked over to his place and said goodbye as if we were long-time friends.