I took an Uber to a financial district of some sort. Upon reaching the gate there the guard booth is, the driver and myself got out of the car and walked to the ledge that overlooks the neighborhood. He insinuated that we should hook up, I was tempted to insult him but I just told him that I was not gay. He shrugged and we got into the car. I wondered why was it that we did that in the first place.

When we got to the financial district I asked the driver to wait for me. I went up several flights of stairs, I don't remember well this part of the dream, but several characters made me go on detours and I was worried that I was paying for the wait. I went to the ground floor and found the driver happy and chatty with other people, he said something along the lines of "thank you for paying for this wonderful time". I was irritated and I wanted to report him to Uber, but when I looked at my screen it was all jumbled, as if the app had crashed from a hardware failure.

I ended up grabbing a bike to leave.