I dreamed that I was in a large room. Alejandra Contreras was giving instructions to some people. Her mother was there, and was being annoying to her. She would roll her eyes whenever her mom would crack out a joke or say something stupid.

I looked at them both and saw much resemblance I hadn't seen before, they both had blue eyes, which I hadn't noticed in the past. Then I looked more closely at Alejandra, her factions seemed to have become finer, and she was now plenty attractive.

I called at her and approached her, smiling. I would see her squinting her eyes, trying to figure out who I was. Said "you don't remember me?" and for a moment I worried that I had grown old and ugly, while she had matured as wine. I came close to her and I tried kissing her on the cheek, but she landed her kiss on my mouth. We embraced, and I was relieved that it was only my bald head and my beard what set her off.